Opera Parallèle

  • Identity
  • Print
  • Digital
  • Packaging
  • Environmental

Award-winning Opera Parallèle is a professional, nonprofit organization that develops and performs contemporary opera in San Francisco. They approached Propp+Guerin to design a new identity, positioning them as a professional avant-garde opera company.

Using the OP letters, the symbol is a contemporary depiction of a pair of opera glasses dating from the 19th century, with the handle mounted on the center of the paired lenses, rather than from the side.

Stationery, business cards, posters, playbills, postcards, event graphics and multiple apparel items featuring their new identity, were created and worn in a fashion show extravaganza at SFJazz to launch their new identity.

In addition, marketing collateral for contemporary operas, such as “Dead Man Walking” and “Lighthouse”, which included posters, online advertising and printed playbills for each performance were created.