
  • Environmental

The high-design elegance of Silhouette eyewear products embody a sense of luxury, which needed to be conveyed in their showroom’s new design by TVS Design. It is a fluidly shaped, transformative space that reflects the heritage of this Austrian born eyeware brand. Propp+Guerin was asked to sign this showroom with the same thinking in mind.

Enlarged silhouetted b+w images of their products gracefully spanning the white walls of the showroom, in a sophisticated and subtle manner, was created to reflect the refined design aesthetic and attention to detail inherent in their eyewear.

Environmental graphics and signage work in harmony with the modernistic aesthetic of this all white showroom and it’s colored LED lighting, providing a unique contemporary experience in the New York Landmark building.

A custom safety pattern for the glass walls and doors were created to echo the large rivets found on the steel beams within the space, while also appearing as pairs of glasses.